昨天才從美國的L.A.會杜拜﹐因為太累所以睡得很好﹐可是今天才開始有時差晚上2點睡可是要5點才累﹐下午跟朋友打高爾夫球。說到L.A. 那邊購物非常好﹐太多選擇﹐兩天內花了USD$600-700. 我有一個朋友從SFO-San Jose開車過來L.A. 真的謝謝這麼遠開車來。我們去Hollywood, The Grove 還有Down Town L.A. 的J-Town (日本鎮).美國的Shopping真的很好﹐下次在去一定要那多一點錢去﹐行李包空空的去就好了!會來是在機場與到朋友﹐他剛好坐我那班飛機。起飛後跟他聊了1-2個小時然後要做工啦!頭等客愴有兩個埃圾太太﹐她們買了機上免稅品﹐我剛巧是那航班的免稅售貨員。買完之後她從她的包包內那出一瓶香水噴了自己﹐然後突然噴了在我身上幾下﹐因為太突然了﹐我呆住了。她還說"這香水很香﹐我很喜歡。"我知道他是善意的﹐可是就是很奇怪。 I just got back from L.A USA to Dubai yesterday, was too tired so I had a really good rest, but started today I cannot sleep suffering from Jetlag. Went to bed at 2am but only started to sleep at 5am, this afternoon went to play golf with a friend. Quite tired now. The shopping was really good in L.A. I spent around USD$600-700 need sometime to recover from that. One of my friend who stays in San Fran-San Jose who drove dow to meet up with me at L.A, really appreciate that its a very long journey. We went to Hollywood, The Grove, Downtown L.A as well as J-Town its the Japanese Town. On the way back, I saw a friend of mine at the L.A. airport he was on the same flight as I was operating, we chatted for an hour or 2 after take off and then I was off to work. During the flight, I was the Duty Free Operator and there was 2 Egytians ladies in First Class, after they bought some Duty Free items something shocking to me happened. She took out a bottle of perfume and sprayed on herself and then on me, I stood there stunned...didnt know what to react. She said "Its a very lovely perfume, very nice." I knew she has good intention but its just shocking.

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難得两天假期要好好休息,可是有一個朋友辨 House Warming Party 也有很多朋友也好久沒見啦!所以決定去捧場,玩得開心。星期六跟 Tony and Elaine (My best friends)出去啦!今天呢留在家休息呀,太累了。聽了很多新歌,潘瑋柏的新 出去啦!今天呢留在家休息呀,太累了。聽了很多新歌,潘瑋柏的新專輯和 Tank 的都非常喜歡,聽很多次都覺得好聽。明天要工作啦! :(

Finally I have 2 Days off to relax and recover, but a friend of mine had organise a house warming party and there are a lot of other friends that I have not seen for a while so I want to catch up with them and I decided to go there and I had a really great time tere. Saturday I went out with 2 other best friends of mine Tony and Elaine the whole day was fun too. Today I am just relaxing at Home finally and listening to some new albums and songs by Wilber Pan and Tank, was really good I really like it. They still sound really good after many times I repeated them. Tomorrow I have to start working again.. :(




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這幾個月都沒心情寫Blog, 也不想隨便寫。總之就是沒心情!

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剛剛搬了新家也經過了一連7天的公假所以沒有人可以幫我的internet 搬家。忙了差不多兩個星期的事也過了﹐現在的心情非常開心和輕鬆。只不過現在要等我的wii 回來,可以盡情的玩。心情很好所以弄了我最喜歡喝的湯(Bak Gug Teh)肉骨茶。我看上天有很好的幫我安排了很好的東西。我本來12月14號晚上要去名古屋﹐可時我17號要回家to slove some problem. 可是我又換不走這班機﹐不知道這麼奇怪crew scheduling 突然拿走了航班換我can use schedule。我不知道應該開心還是煩惱﹐ D當我在非常煩惱他們會給我什麼航班時﹐我知知道他們給我法蘭克福Frankfurt. 14號飛然後16號回到杜拜就立刻會香港就剛剛好17號就在香港。然後他們給我17號﹐18號都是standby 1 from 06:00-14:00. It is quite risky,如果他們要我飛的話﹐找不到我﹐我可麻煩了可能會收到經理的warning letter. 好巧兩天都沒有call我﹐真的好開心﹐一身都輕鬆了。

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其實我也快要離開了﹐可是也不知道新工作要delay 到幾時。所以現在搬去single apartment也好啦﹐最少可以住爽幾個月安靜多幾個月。還好那邊也有一些香港人住﹐所以應該不會悶。我其實也爭扎了一下子﹐因為我是以個非常怕塞車開車的人﹐可是新那邊很多後都塞車﹐跟其他朋友出去也很難再有順風車搭了。不過聽說新屋很漂亮所以搬了也好﹐最少不用煩冰櫃還有其他清潔問題。最討厭日本妹油炸完東西整房子都是油煙味﹐而爐頭全都髒死了又不把它清潔掉﹐氣死我了。還好過兩個星期我就搬家了﹐沒有這問題了。可以請朋友開party all the time without worrying about the noise. YEAH!

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我在突尼西亞的短短的二十四小時﹐ 看了一點點的地中海加北非和阿拉伯和法國風彩的特色。建築物的內在非常漂亮。不過﹐ 這一個trip 因為全機爆滿﹐ 所以累到要死﹐ 加上連續三天都只睡了三四個小時所以回家後要休息兩天才行。我在facebook 裡upload 了一些照片﹐ 有空可以看看啊! 

突尼西亞的人都很熱情﹐ 不過如果你只想看看商店而不買東西﹐ 最好不要亂動東西或者問價錢。 不然他們可能會跟著你問你願意給多少。

我比較喜歡喝他們的特色突尼西亞茶﹐ 裡面有pine seeds and mint and sugar. 雖然很甜不過因為他們的水是帶咸的所以不用多點糖也不好喝。 一小杯就好﹐ 不要喝太多﹐因為不健康。還有﹐在露天的cafe喝﹐ 欣想著地中海﹐ 非常有味道﹐ 這時天氣也冷了﹐ 所以這杯熱茶也特別好喝。

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我的回家計劃要延遲了﹐因為這個金融風暴很多的大航空公司也面臨重大困難。我也只好等著吧! 也沒別的辦法﹐我想的兩間公司也要延遲請人的手續。

我實在是太 unlucky 了。我實在是太想回家了。

今天聽了林俊傑JJ 的新碟 ’JJ 陸‘ 太喜歡那首歌叫 ’Always Online' 整天聽可以一直 repeat. This month I am on standby for work. I hope I get some nice flight. 再不飛的話﹐我可能會悶死了!

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Just lazy to type chinese, its taking too much time and just want to be quick and brief. I am so happy, went for 2 interviews yesterday and the day before, already receive one offer and then the other one still waiting.

Finally, I have a hope to leave Dubai and be happy back Home. Then another problem and headache arise... my parents place is too small with all my belongings there will be no place to put them. My backup plan is secured and so now should wait for my first preference see if I can get that too. I hope I wish...


Luck is what I need at this moment :D

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這山路真的不能開玩笑。 我看有些沒什麼腦子的人﹐竟然穿高跟鞋﹐我看了就像暈了﹐沒眼看﹐祝她好運!

Next time I would like to go to another gate of the Great Wall maybe somewhere further. This time I went to 慕田裕 (Not sure if thats the right writing-Mu Tian Yu).


Very happy to see these ancient buildings. I love it!

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當你從出門外很早,一直以好為會早到十分鐘路程竟然給我一個大塞車。就要氣死我啦!!杜拜的人, especially Indian, Pakistani and some Arabic. They are really shitty in driving, they can't bloody drive man. They cannot wait have absolutely zero patience and tolerance. They keep jumping queue no rules at all. 就在離機場前的一個彎竟然塞了一個小時的車。害我趕不上兩班回家的飛機,差點活生生的氣死。結果原來機場門口沒理由的封路了,那邊的人做事喜歡怎樣就怎樣。害我跟一位很好的朋友在32度的氣溫用跑的去趕(about 200-300 metres),但是,還是趕不及。我真的太想打人啦!我就要待在機場三個小時,沒人陪悶了很久才能上飛機回家。

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